It a V6,DOes anyone know how to change the fuel filter on a %26039;04 Pontiac Grand Am?
Most newer cars require a special tool to remove the connectors now. And also, you do have to relieve the pressure in the system before removing. I would suggest getting a Haynes manual for your car. You can pick them up at Autozone, Advance, etc. for around $10
http://www.wolfdenusa.netDOes anyone know how to change the fuel filter on a %26039;04 Pontiac Grand Am?
jack the car up from the rear. Its either by the fuel thank or underneath the car appromixly where the passenger seat is front. Just figure out what wrench size's you need and take it off. Fuel will come out so watch your eyes. Check the flow on the old filter see which way it flows and put the new one on the same direction. Tighten it wrist tight. Start vehicle and check for leaks. If there is a leak tighten it up a tad more.DOes anyone know how to change the fuel filter on a %26039;04 Pontiac Grand Am?
if they haven't changed them yet then unscrew the end w/ the hex head(watch out for gas draining out) squeeze the 2 plastic tabs on the other side together and pull off the filter--make sure you don't get dirt on the tubing when installing the new one