Thursday, September 22, 2011

How do I change the fuel filter on 94 buick regal 3800?

I tried following the manual to do this and ended up with a bunch of gas in my eyes (thank god for safety goggles). I had relieved the pressure in the fuel lines by removing the gas cap, taking out the fuse and turning the key for a few seconds. When gas started spraying I just tightened it back up, and walked away. But I can not see spending $100 for something that seems so simple, should I just put a rag over the filter, or am I missing an important step. Also, when turning the key, how do I know when I have attempted to start the car long enough to relieve the fuel pressure?How do I change the fuel filter on 94 buick regal 3800?

The book says to remove the fuel pump fuse and crank the engine,actually let it run until it dies.Now from experience I will tell you that there will still be some fuel in the line so like you suggested take a good thick rag and rap it around to keep fuel from getting on you and pull it off.Once you get it off there will be a little fuel drain out so you may want to get a catch pan.

When you replace the filter and get it secured go replace the fuse and turn the key to the on position and let the pump run until you hear it stop then repeat this step 3-4 times while making sure you have no leaks the start the engine and check for leaks one more time.I hope this is helpful.How do I change the fuel filter on 94 buick regal 3800?
Dude just take it to a garage it will save you time and hassle and it is about $40.