I have a Mercedes c240 matic http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://photos.ebizautos.com/used-2005-mercedes~benz-c~class-c2404matic-6958-3221866-4-640.jpg%26amp;imgrefurl=http://www.richardsmotorcars.com/detail-2005-mercedes~benz-c~class-c240_4matic-3221866.html%26amp;usg=__UkuU_8oU1FYz57VRteZSBxQwAuI=%26amp;h=480%26amp;w=640%26amp;sz=54%26amp;hl=en%26amp;start=1%26amp;tbnid=khxmP9fgfg1czM:%26amp;tbnh=103%26amp;tbnw=137%26amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3DMercedes%2Bc240%2Bmatic%2B2005%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX and i was wondering how to change the fuel filter.How do you change the fuel filter of a Mercedes?
The fuel filter is located under the vehicle near the L/R tire under a panel held on by 10mm plastic nuts. You will need a torx 20 screw driver to release the fuel filter bracket. Pinch the fuel lines so fuel doesn't fall out of the lines and replace the hose clamps.How do you change the fuel filter of a Mercedes?
Well the way I do it is I take it to the Mercedes dealer.